Tyson Apostol

Tyson Apostol
Born June 17, 1979 (1979-06-17) (age 32)
Heber City, Utah[1]

Tyson Apostol (born June 17, 1979) is a contestant of the reality show Survivor. He participated in Survivor: Tocantins and Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains.


Early life

Tyson Apostol was raised in Lindon, Utah and currently lives in Heber City, Utah.[1] His occupation is a bike shop owner, and he used to be a professional cyclist in Switzerland, Belgium, and Austria. He is also a dropout of Brigham Young University and he spent two years in the Philippines as a Mormon missionary.[1]


Survivor: Tocantins

"You can look me in my sweet blue eyes all day and I’ll tell you sweet nothings and you’ll believe all of them." -Tyson Apostol

Apostol was preselected on the Timbira tribe before his arrival on the island for Survivor: Tocantins. He is recognized as the secondary antagonist of this season, second to Benjamin "Coach" Wade. For the first two episodes Apostol stuck with the majority of the alliance, forming a particular alliance with Benjamin "Coach" Wade, who dubbed Apostol his "assistant coach." In episode three Wade and Apostol wanted to blindside Erinn Lobdell and ignore the sick Jerry Sims. But the rest of the tribe disagreed and voted out Sims. At the merge Apostol won the first individual immunity by outlasting former tribe mate Debbie Beebe; Apostol went on to win Final Nine immunity as well, in the next episode. In the next episode Wade and Apostol aligned with Stephen Fishbach, James "J.T." Thomas, Jr., and Beebe to form a "warrior alliance," who blindsided Brendan Synnott with Lobdell and Tamara "Taj" Johnson-George's cooperation. In the next episode, Sierra Reed was the target, but Thomas and Fishbach joined the other group who decided that Apostol was more of a threat than Reed, and Apostol was voted out 5-3.[2]

For this season, Jeff Probst stated that Apostol was one of his favorites for being maniacal and unpredictable.[3]

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains

Apostol accepted an offer to participate in Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains season, where he was assigned to the Villains tribe. Apostol's tribe dominated the initial immunity challenges, and after forming an alliance with Jerri Manthey and fellow Tocantins participant Benjamin "Coach" Wade,[4] he appeared to be safe after joining the alliance of Rob Mariano, Sandra Diaz-Twine, and Courtney Yates, along with Wade and Manthey. This group held a majority over the bloc of Russell Hantz, Parvati Shallow, and Danielle DiLorenzo. The Villains eventually lost an immunity challenge and had to vote someone out. Mariano knew that Hantz had a hidden immunity idol, so he directed his alliance to split their votes; thus, if Hantz gave the idol to Shallow to play, then Hantz would be eliminated, and if instead Hantz played the idol himself, Shallow would be eliminated. Hantz manipulated Apostol into failing to adhere to the plan. After Hantz gave Shallow the hidden immunity idol and she played it, Tyson was eliminated by a vote of 3-2-0. (Had Apostol stuck to the vote-splitting plan, he and Hantz would have tied 3-3, and Hantz would presumably have been eliminated on the revote.) Apostol was the sixth survivor and the second "Villain" to be voted out in the season. Apostol's essentially voting himself out of the game has been called one of the dumbest moves in Survivor history.[5][6]


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